Your Friendly Complaint Center: 

You are free to express your complaints or ask questions about this game at any time.  This handy Complaint Center is always at your service.  Please e-mail comments to

Complaint Adjustor

However, it might be faster for you to select a pre-packaged complaint from the list below and receive a comprehensive answer right away.

#1.  Why are there so few options for men?

#2.  Why does the game move so fast toward "Planning for Retirement"?

#3.  Is this a Deterministic Universe?

#4.  Why are there so few options for Artists?

#5.  How come I can't go back?

#6.  How do I win?

#7.  What is this supposed to represent?

#8.  Why are there so many opportunities to Teach Kindergarden?

#9.  How come nothing happens when I click on an AfterLifeStyle?


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