Pioneers in Cuisine

Many women have contributed specifically to the hypertext field with ground-breaking autonomous hypertexts, multi-media works, and can find out more about these women at Carolyn Guertin's Assemblage.


Kathryn Cramer

In Large and Small Pieces. Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext 1 (3).
Cambrige, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1994.

Diane Greco

Cyborg: Engineering the Body Electric. Cambridge, MA: Eastgate Systems,
Feminist theory. 1995. (See also: Hypertext with Consequences: Recovering a Politics of
. Essay.)

Adriene Jenik

Mauve Desert, CD-ROM translation of Nicole Brossard's novel. Los Angeles: Shifting Horizon Productions, 1997. For Macintosh.

Judith Kerman.

Mothering. Watertown, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1995. Poetry.

Sarah Smith

King of Space. Dark science fiction with game-like twists. Watertown, MA:
Eastgate Systems. HyperCard for Macintosh.
