The Scout's Report:  Writing and publishing Califia and other fictions.


Califia, an interactive, hypermedia novel, was a journey on the ground in both conception and process.  In this stroy, three narrators, Augusta, Calvin, and Kaye, travel the layered Southern California landscape in search of the lost paradise.  

In a sense, the novel (?) has much in common with the benchmark hypertexts of the 1990's.  And, too, the process of getting Califia to readers and in libraries touches on many of the issues problematic in the field of e-literature today.

Califia, published by Eastgate Systems in 2000, is for a CD-ROM platform.  It has 800 screens, 33 sound clips, 2400 images, and the equivalent of 350 pages of text. You can see a preview of Califia on the Web.  

In addition, many writers have moved to html-based fiction and poetry and publish entirely on the WWW.  Despite the depth and variety of work, questions of copyright, archiving, and nomenclature persist.

Sites where you can experience E-literature on the WWW:

The Electronic Literature Organization Directory

Intersections: Explore (In The Blue Moon Review)

Jumpin' at the Diner (in Riding the Meridian)

The Progressive Dinner Party (in Riding the Meridian)

Assemblage:  The Women's New Media Gallery



© Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink // The Lore and Lay of E-land // Kessesaw State University, March, 2002