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Welcome to Women in Literature!

Although images of women figure in our earliest recorded history, the role of women in writing that history, and in making fiction and poetry about human experience, is still obscure.  There are several reasons for the perceived silence of women, ranging from their place in the social hierarchy to lack of education.  However, recent scholarship has uncovered far more literary work by women than was formerly available.  Moreover, as literacy became more widespread in recent centuries, women have hastened to claim the pen, make their stories heard.  

In Women in Literature we will explore the images, texts, and evolution of women as they influence and create literature.  Our journeys will range from early Chinese verse to electronic hypertext fiction and poetry.   Along the way we will investigate the social, political, and psychological elements that both deterred and encouraged women writers.  I hope you enjoy reading and discussing some fascinating books with our group!  Always, Margie Luesebrink

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