Irvine Valley College

Online Creative Writing Workshop

Writing 10 - Introduction to Creative Writing

Spring 2012 - Ticket # 64580

Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink, Instructor


Week 14 - Rewrites:  


1.  Assigned Reading:

                 This excerpt is one of several on "how to rewrite your novel."  I did not assign a required book on writing for this class because some folks benefit from these and others do not.  But there is plenty of good information on Rewriting on the WWW if you are interested.  This one is fairly basic:


2. Weekly Exercise: There will again be no weekly exercise this week because I want you to select a Weekly Exercise from one of your past weeks and Rewrite it.  There are many approaches to revisiting a work - and you should experiment with which ones might be useful for you.  

3.  Online Lecture for Week 14

4.  Class Workshop Critique


  About Your Class // Class Syllabus // Workshop Pieces // Weekly Writing Exercises // Lecture Notes //  Reading List // Recommended Reading // Assignments // Grading Policies // Contact Your Instructor // Announcements// Discussion


Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink, your Instructor, is a Professor of English in the School of Humanities and Languages

Irvine Valley College, Irvine, California